Monday, April 16, 2012

Unexpected side effects of roller derby

Over the last week I've been thinking of the ways that roller derby has changed my life, more so the unexpected things. If you are "fresh meat" or you've yet to get involved with your local derby scene, some of these things may come as a shock to you. If you've been in the derby world awhile, I suspect you'll be nodding along as you read some of these.

  1. Even if your weight does not change, all of your jeans are now too tight. You've put on muscle since you started playing derby and that's great, but guess what? I hope you like jeggings. Seriously, this doesn't happen to everyone, but there are a lot of girls who can no longer wear jeans. Period.
  2. Your elbows and knees will now sweat during non-derby related exercise. This one is so weird to me, but I've asked around and apparently this is common. Lately I've noticed that after I finish my cardio, my knees and elbows are sweaty. Awesome, right? Who doesn't want to sweat more places?
  3. Your entire concept of colors will change. You may not own one pink item of clothing or any pink accessories, but now you've been drafted onto the Powderpuff Super Pink Rollerdolls. You now love pink. All of your things will be pink. Pink is the only color that matters.
  4. You finally use that calendar function on your smart phone. Once upon a time ago, I probably only had 3-4 events I needed to remember per month and they could easily be tracked via the whiteboard on the refrigerator. Now, the minute someone starts talking dates, I have to whip out Google calendar. "How about 8 Thursdays from next week, does that work?"
  5. You own a shocking amount of Lycra. From DerbySkinz to workout pants to EZfit Booties, the amount of Lycra in your closet is reaching record setting levels. The good news, you can take a really small bag on any derby trips. The bad news, if you're me, so much of the Lycra is black so you can never find exactly what you're looking for in a hurry.
I'm sure there are a million more I am not thinking of, so there will probably be a part 2 to this. In the mean time, feel free to share some of yours in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha totally true, I now have so much pink, so much lycra, and more short shorts than I know what to do with . And when I put on my skinny jeans the other day, I wondered..."were the calves always so tight?"...
