Sunday, February 19, 2012


Sugar is my drug.

Yeah, that's a drastic statement and you might think it's an over exaggeration, but hear me out. I'm a hot mess when I'm all hopped up on sugar. 

Here's how it usually goes down:
Cupcake for breakfast? Don't mind if I do! 

...Well I did pack this nice healthy lunch, but now I'm not in the mood for it... Entire box of Cracker Jacks for lunch? Sure, I'll just have a healthy dinner.

...Yeah... I could make those chicken breasts I thawed - OR - I could have a big vat of penne and alfredo sauce delivered while do a little work around the couch. Oh you have dessert? Send 2.

Before I know it, those chicken breasts are getting thrown out and every meal either is a dessert or is followed by one. All of that Domino granulated flowing through my veins just opens the door for binges, binges of food followed by binges of guilt topped with a dollop of self loathing.

When I'm on the wagon, the world is a much nicer place, but getting on the wagon ain't easy. Frankly, I think it is harder than when I quit smoking. The constant cravings for anything sweet are unbearable. After a few days though, my body starts to calm down and not only do I not crave sugar, but I also don't crave much crappy food and eating healthy isn't such a challenge. It's a tight rope to walk though, one donut and I can be back to square one.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the whole scenario sounds like a soft-core episode of Intervention. Just say no, kids.

1 comment:

  1. You're right. I had a very bad sweet tooth before changing my eating plan. Natural sugars (like those found in fruits) are okay; the white stuff is not. I might have a "little" cheat here or there, but I've been okay for the past seven weeks. Sugar is a hard addiction to break but there are many ways to get around it. Take a look at some low glycemic foods and start adding those to your diet. They will help you avoid any crashes. Surprisingly enough, there are a few fruits on this list. Check it out!
